Sunday, February 7, 2010

WIP: Termagant

Clicking around on links today I stumbled upon a Quick and Dirty Tutorial for painting up a termagant. I was inspired and since I've got a bunch of unpainted termagants lying around I thought I'd grab one up and see how it goes. To the left is the fruit of my labors. I've chosen a different color scheme than the one in the tutorial, but I think it worked out pretty well. Although if you've seen the razorback I'm working on you might agree that I'm using too much green and brown for my current projects. The colors just go together so well.

I'm not super happy with how the wash came out. Just like the razorback it seemed like it went on way too splotchy. The tutorial used devlan mud and it seemed like it came out really smooth so I'm not sure where my technique is going wrong. Well, I've got about 40 of these buggers to practice on so here's to hoping things improve with practice.

The last thing I want to mention is that painting this guy took very few colors. Using only eight bottles of paint, this is a project that's really easy to carry around or leave in a small box to pick up whenever you have a spare half hour. I'd definitely recommend the tutorial for anyone in desperate need of getting their bug army in tabletop condition.

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