Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Itunes Connect: Fixing an error with Version Information.

I had a problem today submitting one of the apps I work on, Ops: Infinity Edition.  It's a little squad builder for the tabletop miniatures game Infinity, made by Corvus Belli.  The app has been out for years, but just today I tried to submit a new version with the latest round of data fixes and I was getting rejected by iTunes Connect.

When hitting the Submit for Review button I was getting the "There are one or more errors on this page." message and a little red stop sign was showing up next to the Version Information localization drop down.

Red symbol not shown, but it was right next to the down caret by the question mark.
No amount of modifying the text or changing what languages were supported by the app store page fixed the issue.  Whatever the error was, it was not apparent how to fix it or what, if anything, it had to do with the app's Version Information. Finally, it turned out to be a problem with screenshots.  I had just updated the screen shots, using only the 5.5 inch versions and deleting the old screenshots for the smaller versions.

Solution.  Open the Media Manager (located below your app screenshots) and check the "Use 5.5-Inch Display" checkboxes for everything.

Set all sizes to use the 5.5 -Inch Display.

Only requiring the 5.5-Inch screenshots for an app is a new thing on the app portal and it seems that since I previously had screenshots in there, simply deleting all the images for smaller versions wasn't enough for iTunes Connect to figure out what I wanted to do.

Apple could definitely do a better job telling you what the errors are that you need to fix. Especially in this case where the data with errors is hidden on a screen that doesn't normally display (Media Manager).  If their web design is going start hiding information off screen and the data you input there can have errors, they should really think about a more descriptive error message than "There are one or more errors on this page." I'm guessing they could pretty easily build up a list of errors and display them in their big red scare-box.

It sure would make lives a little easier.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Constellar 1.4 Released

Constellar 1.4 is just released now in the App Store.  Get it on the App Store using this link.

It features six new levels, bringing the total level count up and over the sixty mark. Two of these levels, shown to the left and right were inspired by the current presidential campaign.

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded and played Constellar. If you haven't yet, you're missing out and should download it today.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Blogger Tip: Removing Border and Padding From Images

Sometimes you'll want to remove the padding and border that Blogger.com automatically adds to images. In setting up some posts for Constellar I had to do a bit of HTML trickery when I was setting up the app store download link like this:

Obviously the border and padding around the image aren't desirable, and keep the two images from lining up correctly.  Fixing this wasn't too terribly difficult.

In the Edit Post dialog you just have to select the "HTML" button, find the image you want to remove the border from and add the following:
style="border: none; margin-right: 4px; padding: 0px;"
As an example, here's how the HTML code for the Constellar app icon looks:
<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihSmSR4aPHZbYCngn47d_hB5hnrdgKGmKXguxgpjFHNsQd3r5FF6BColY-_PLO_HHps3SJkeHTp4_lniPUOVXIj4aubqS1CAPmWatLsPPuo0Fu-7IUCPjJPO6O4C3ezWhTL1rivP1lxCY/s400/Logo40Rounded.png" style="border: none; margin-right: 4px; padding: 0px;" />
 And here's what the final result looks like:

I hope this helps anyone trying to achieve the same effect.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Constellar: On Sale This Weekend

This weekend only Constellar is on sale!

Maybe you fondly remember the fun you had with connect-the-dots as a child, or just want to give your brain a workout. At just 99 cents Constellar can help you relive your childhood and provide your election numbed brain with some much needed exercise. No need to get off your couch, just download on your Apple device today!